Visit these dog play spaces with the kids and your furry friend.
The perfect all season, indoor play space for your pet. Drop in, register for training or attend a special event. Located along Toronto’s beautiful harbour front.
(416) 360-PAWS (7297) ext.230
Trinity Bellwoods Park
Dogs run off-leash in the big pit area of Trinity Bell Woods Park. There is plenty of seating for owners and the area is well shaded for comfort in the summertime.
790 Queen Street W, Toronto
Don Valley Brick Works
Explore the beautiful Don Valley Brickworks with your dog. Many of the trails are dog friendly as well there is a fun fenced off-leash area.
550 Bayview Ave, Toronto, (416) 596-1495
Allan Gardens
This lovely fenced dog park comes complete with a water feature that hot dogs will love in the summer time. There is even a special section for smaller dogs to play.
19 Horticultural Ave, Toronto, (416) 392-2489
High Park Off-Leash
The dog park itself isn’t anything to write home about BUT it is in High Park, one of the city’s loveliest parks so if you’re taking FIDO for a walk, let him run around sans leash and grab a drink of water before setting off.
Originally written by Jen Farr
The post Dog Play Spaces appeared first on Toronto Mom Now.